Fresh Snow, Fresh Start

Resolution is defined as a resolve; a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.

The new year always presents this idea.  To a lot of people, the new year is a gateway to a fresh start.  It’s a way to put the past behind us and move forward in a better and (hopefully) more positive direction.  I can’t deny that I too am intrigued by the idea of ‘starting over’ with each new year.  There are always things about myself I’d like to improve upon.  While this is true, I try not to go too overboard with any resolutions I make.  Sometimes the smallest changes can have the most impact.

I know we’re already halfway through January, but I thought I’d share some of my resolutions here to hopefully help hold myself accountable.  I’m also sharing some recent pics of the pack and I enjoying one of our first snowy days of the winter.

Snow 2016

  • Don’t let the actions of negative/toxic people affect my mood.  This is a big one for me.  I’ve started countless days in a great mood only to realize someone around me has completely ruined it with their negative behavior.  Realizing that I am in control of my own thoughts, feelings and how I react to the people that surround me is something I have been consciously working on.

snow1 2016

  • Taking time to enjoy the day instead of rushing through it.  I always find myself starting my days with a to do list & then spending my days with the constant urge to cross things off of that list.  While it is nice to get things done, not everything needs to be done as soon as possible.  There are many more important things that happen day to day that should be enjoyed.  I owe a lot of this feeling to Izzy.  ❤ ❤ ❤

snow3 2016

  • Spend more time with family.  There is really no need to explain this one.  Family is everything to me.  Time is precious.

snow4 2016

  • Devote more time to myself.  I’d like to spend more time doing things that I enjoy; things that make me feel good about myself.  Yoga is one of the more recent things I’ve discovered that I really enjoy.  My overall mood has improved since I began taking early morning hot yoga classes.  I never expected to love it so much.  I’m not a morning person, but after becoming aware of how much better I feel if I get up and take some time out for myself, I’m slowly becoming one.


Happy New Year.


~ Lacey ~